My darling, sweet, protective, artistic, former Marine has been living with me for about the last six months. I love him dearly. He left home all too early the first time at the age of 18 after joining the Marine Corps. I thought I was going to lose my mind! You love them, you raise them, you nuture them, you try instill in them good values and life skills, and then poof! They leave you. They are gone!! One day they are your precious child and the next they are literally taken away by a Marine recruiter to serve their country.
I cannot lie. I wanted to inflict bodily harm on the recruiter, who literally took my son away. No matter where my pride and patriotism stood, I could not fathom someone taking my boy-child away to potentially be killed in the line of duty. And serve and fight he did. Two tours in Iraq when my world seemed to stop and I felt as helpless as a human being could in protecting their child from harm.
Fast forward. He came home safe. He came home unscathed. I thanked God and breathed for the first time in 4 years. I AM so proud of what he did. I AM SO proud to call him my son. A patriot, a servant to his country and my flesh and blood.
Now, that said, and as you can see, I love this young man with all my heart and soul, he's been living with me again. I've loved it. I've re-adapted. I look at the "Shotgun News" magazine on the coffee table placed atop my Romantic Homes.
I've overlooked the milk carton on the kitchen counter, the multitude of towels on the bathroom floor, the guestroom looking like it was hit by a tornado ,,,because you love them, and you are SO relieved that they are happy and healthy and home. You take a deep breath, and step over said-clutter.
I have SO enjoyed having him home. His letting his proverbial hair down and spending this brief time with me. I wouldn't trade this time for anything!!!!!! And yet, I am SO doing the party dance to have my space back and let HIM create his own!! It's only a door away,,,he's moving with his bud Frankie to my cottage behind me and starting back to college next month,,,,SO,,,he get's his space and I get mine back! Thank you Lord!! Bring on the party dance!!!
If you've made it this far in my ranting, please share your "emtpy nest" story. It can be one of having an empty nest, leaving the nest, what you think you'll feel WHEN your nest is empty, or having said nest full again. I'll be giving away a "nest related prize" next friday. Just post your story to my comments to enter and I'll create a random drawing.
Next week, I'll begin "re-feathering" my next with new decor and insights!
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