My Giveaway for One World One Heart

My Giveaway for One World One Heart
Go to my other blog for Info on this Worldwide Event

Valentines Day, A Month Away!

Life and crafting in Snohomish Continues. . . .

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I'm Getting a NEW workshop

I am SO excited-I am getting a New Workshop. About 4 blocks from my house in my BF's building. I'm going to have a drafting table and my own entrance in her light industrial building.

For those of you that know me, and those of you that don't, I'm not a particularly religious person. I have however, always thought of myself as spiritual and truly believe that things happen in this life for a reason. As of late, when working on custom Wedding Cake toppers I have asked for spiritual guidance in creating pieces that express the couples love and devotion for each other. I truly wanted to be in touch with their personalities and their commitment to each other. Because marriage and commitment should be sacred.

And I've gone on to craft other items and wondered if this was what I should be doing, or whether my time and my dollars would be better spent elsewhere. But ironically-one thing lead to another. I got requests, I got inspiration and all the while thinking that if this is a path I'm meant to take, it would happen.

So now, I'm looking at doing some classes and although I longed for a working space, my home wasn't really and option (Small and on a City lot with my little rental in back) and I have supplies and samples of new techniques EVERYwhere. . And today, my dearest friend offered me a space, close by and free of charge. I'm thinking that this is something I am really meant to pursue. Wowza. . Life is good. . New blog in the works, new camera for future projects and NOW a workshop.

I feel truly Blessed,


  1. Shelly I am so happy for you!! What wonderful timing! I know how important my space is to me. I was using the dining room table until my son moved out a couple of years ago. Now I have the room all to myself. I am doing the happy dance inside for you! Congrats! I can't wait to see what you do with it. And just think of all the ideas you will get from everyone else!

    My Desert Cottage

  2. Dearest Shelly,
    How sweet of your my dear to have taken in what I had to say on my last post; it is important to me that what I write touches someone deeply, for when I write, the words really do come from a sincere recollection of memories and even though my writing is not what I would really like it to be, it is an important piece of my art. I feel blessed of the Lord to have been given at least the desire to express my heart in writing and most of all to bless someone else who can understand and be moved by my words. How very wonderful for you to receive a studio FREE OF CHARGE! How lucky you are. Just last night around 11:30am, I was working on a Marie Antoinette doll head and I was trying to attach some jewels around her neck with some small tweezers on the floor of my poorly lit bedroom. I am so grateful for my beautiful home, but I thought, "It sure would be nice to have a studio." However, when my music room is finished, I plan on having a little corner for my crafts. Your blog is beautiful and I am skipping over right now to check out your new one! I will follow you as I am interested in your art, and you have a sweet heart to connect with me. Thank you Shelly and happy craft-making and blogging! God bless, Anita

  3. Hi there,
    Thanks for the nice comments about my crowns.
    How exciting to be getting a new work space!!

  4. congratulations, I've only just started following your blog and already you've left me sweet comments on my blog. You seem like a very lovely person. The things you make are amazing.
    You totally deserve all the blessings coming your way. Enjoy them. How exciting, a new work space. I'm working in a tiny section of the garage. (for now, maybe if I work really hard I'll be as blessed as you.)

  5. yay! So meant to happen and I truly believe in things like that once we're open to letting it happen. I am so happy for you, Shell!! Sorry it took me so long to get over here. Now off to look at your new digs too. Happy night (or day tomorrow!).
