Thursday, February 11, 2010

Looking forward to spending some time w/Beth from Salvadge Studios!

Tomorrow, I am meeting up with the Fabulous Beth,, from Salvage Studio. She co-wrote the book about re-purposing items into something new and spectacular!!

We're "doin" Snohomish,,,,starting, of course, at my beloved Joyworks a 10:00am and visiting shops around town and we'll settle in for lunch at any one of our wonderful cafes/bistros!

I've always love Beths' posts and her whole philosophy on making something NEW and unique out of something you have........

Hopefully, I'll get some fun photos and memories of our day tomorrow!!



  1. Have fun... I know you will how can it be anything but a day of fun with BETH!!! HAVE A GREAT DAY... Say hi to Beth for me!

  2. I know she has been looking forward to this! Leave some good junk in Snohomish for the rest of us...ha!


  3. Have fun sweetie and get some great ideas from Beth. I took a class from her years ago and loved her fun spirit!
    BTW - I am having a giveaway right now so pop over.
